Kulttuurikeskus Ninho ry (NINHO) works to develop a more multicultural and plurilingual children’s culture in Finland.
Our activities are recognized as spaces for learning, togetherness, and dialogue, supporting all families in Finland who enjoy spending high quality time together, learning about, and experiencing different cultures.
Bilingual families, immigrants from Ibero-America, and other participants in Ninho’s activities, all feel they are an active part of the Finnish society.
Many Finnish and non-Finnish artists, cultural activists, scientists and other children’s culture workers are both interested and engaged in developing plurilingual and intergenerational children’s culture together.
- Ninho’s activities are based on global education and active learning through multidisciplinary artistic expressions celebrating diversity. We acknowledge what makes us different, but also embrace what makes each of us unique.
- We work to support the expression, communication and participation of various immigrant and multicultural communities and their descendants. The Ibero-American dimension is important, but not exclusive.
- As an immigrants’ association we propose ways for local audiences and institutions to get to know each other and to collaborate in new and equitable ways.
Check out our Diversity Statement for Families:

For Artists:

And for Volunteers:

2024 Board Members

Javier Knuutila-Gauto (PY) javier.gauto@ninho.fi

Teija Potenze (FI) teija.potenze@ninho.fi

Soledad Magnone (UR) soledad.magnone@ninho.fi

Rosibel Huete (NI) rosibel.huete@ninho.fi

Adriana Saarialho (MX)

Andrea Botero (CO) andrea@ninho.fi

Verónica Miranda (AR) veronica.miranda@ninho.fi