Kulttuurikeskus Ninho’s Program for Enriching the Collection of Spanish & Portuguese Children’s Literature in Finland’s Public Libraries, has celebrated its 8th edition in 2023!
We’re thrilled to announce that this year, with the support of participating embassies and other institutions, we’ve successfully enhanced Helmet’s children’s book collection with 123 new titles in Spanish and Portuguese!
The bestowal ceremony took place at Oodi Central Library on 26.11.23 and at the Multilingual Library in Pasila on 29.11.23.
In this edition, the book list comprised a total of 74 titles in Spanish and 49 books in Portuguese, thanks to the collaborative efforts of:
- Embassy of Argentina: 10 books.
- Embassy of Chile: 15 books.
- Embassy of Colombia: 10 books.
- Embassy of Cuba: 7 online books.
- Embassy of Mexico: 26 books.
- Embassy of Portugal: 46 books.
- Embassy of Uruguay: 9 books.
Total: 123.
Representatives from all embassies, Auli Aho representing Helmet, and Teija Potenze, vice Chair of Ninho, attended the bestowal on 26.11.2023.
During the bestowal on 29.11, Eeva Pilviö received the Portuguese titles on behalf of the Multilingual Library, and the Ambassador of Portugal, Francisco Vaz Patto, represented the Direção-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas (DGLAB), the institution donating the Portuguese works.

After the event, the Ambassador had the opportunity to visit the Portuguese section for children’s and adult books, as well as the Green Room, the place where Ninho organizes the PICNIC Art Family Encounters every Spring and Autumn.
As a newness, the books list in Spanish has also digital books, delivered by the Embassy of Cuba. Like the Cuban Ambassador, Beatriz Parra González, remembered during the bestowal, “no matter the format, because the important thing is that children get the habit of reading”.
This adds to the one made during Kolibrí Festivaali 2023, where the Embassy of Uruguay delivered 5 books of Los Carpinchos, written by Kolibrí 2023 Guest of Honor, Alfredo Soderguit.
More than 400 books in Spanish and Portuguese since 2016

The annual bestowal of children’s literature is a key component of the cooperation program initiated by Kulttuurikeskus Ninho in 2016. Collaborating with embassies, book promotion institutions, authors, and publishers from various regions, we have contributed over 400 titles to Finnish Libraries.
The purpose of this program is to strengthen and expand the collection of children’s literature in Spanish and Portuguese at the Helmet libraries. In the case of Portuguese, we also aim to enhance the Multilingual National Library.
This program allows children in Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo, and Kauniainen to explore the Spanish and Portuguese languages, and the cultures of these countries. Additionally, like all Embassies reminded during the event ceremonies, these books are a valuable tool to encourage children to develop reading habits.
Remember you can also find lots of books in Spanish and Portuguese on the Kolibrí Selection. A website that features the 2021 and 2022 Kolibrí selection of children’s literature, thanks to the support of Helmet Vantaa. Vantaa libraries created this webpage to showcase the titles from the 2021 gift, and it’s become a valuable resource for families and teachers, providing detailed information on titles and links to their location in the Helmet system, making it easy for them to be reserved and sent to the library closest to home.
As Ninho’s vice chair, Teija Potenze, expressed during the ceremony, we are delighted to be part of this initiative, and we hope to donate ten times more books next year.
The 120 titles will soon be available in the Helmet system for borrowing.
👇 Take a look at the list of the new children’s books in Spanish and Portuguese included in Helmet’s collection!
Books by the Embassy of Argentina:
Hola Argentina, Octavio Pintos – Martín Iannuzzi (AZ Editora S.A., Argentina, 2021).
El gran libro de los monstruos, Valeria Dávila, Jó Rivadulla (AZ Editora S.A., Argentina, 2020).
Más bichos que no sé qué, Silvia Schujer y Liza Porcelli Piussi, Rodrigo Folgueira (Editorial Guadal – El gato de hojalata, Argentina, 2022).
Canciones de cuna para dormir cachorros, Silvia Schujer, Pablo De Bella – Patricia Fitti – Manuel Purdía – Virginia Piñón (AZ Editora S.A., Argentina, 2020).
Las onomatobellas, Ruth Kaufman, Irma Bastida Herrera (Engrande FOEM, México, 2016).
Tanta felicidad, Norberto Gugliotella, Daniella López Casanave (Ediciones Corregidor, Argentina, 2017).
El niño que corre, Fernanda Argüello, Pilar Saracini (Bianca Ediciones, Argentina, 2022).
La niña deshilachada, Sonia Almada, Matilde Vidal (Bianca Ediciones, Argentina, 2022).
Deseo de cumpleaños, Fernanda Argüello, Carla Paludetto (Bianca Ediciones, Argentina, 2022).
Mirar de cerca, Márgara Averbach, Eugenia Nobati (Ediciones Corregidor, Argentina, 2017).
Books by the Embassy of Chile:
Azulada, Carol Neumaa (Azafrán, 2020).
El hombre de mandíbula de fierro, Gilles Colleu (Lom, 2019).
Abecedario animal, Camilo González (Pehuén, 2021).
Ravioli, Marcelo Simonetti (Vicens Vives, 2020).
Matilde Pérez, Isabel Ossa Guzmán (Mis Raíces, 2020).
Baba Yaga, Joanna Mora (Cocorocoq, 2021).
La cabeza en la bolsa, Marjorie Pourchet (Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2020).
Ensayo de la vida real, Aexa Paulette y Rebeca Peña (Alianza Int. de Editores Independientes, 2021).
El mundo de Itay y Ofir, Felipe Faundez (Editorial Planeta, 2021).
Kilian y el papiro sagrado, J.G. Audoriza (Aurea Ediciones, 2121).
El brujo, Toro, Bahamondes, Ohmke y Castro (Integral, 2021).
Un paseo por el bosque, Matías Guerrero Gatica y Manuela Montero Murrie (Escrito con tiza, 2021).
¡Plántalo tú!, Ángeles Quinteros y Valentina Insulza (Escrito con tiza, 2021).
Vuelo de pájaros americanos, Juan José Donoso (Amanuta, 2019).
La isla más feliz del mundo, Macarena Valdés Domínguez (Catalonia, 2021).
Books by the Embassy of Colombia:
Ahí estabas, Claudia Rueda (Océano Travesia, 2014).
¿De dónde salió esa cosa amarilla?, Claudia Rueda (Océano Travesía, 2015).
¿De dónde salió esa cosa roja?, Claudia Rueda (Océano Travesía, 2015).
¿De dónde salió esa cosa verde?, Claudia Rueda (Océano Travesía, 2015).
¿De dónde salió esa cosa amarolla?, Claudia Rueda (Océano Travesía, 2015).
Dos hermanas, Elizabeth Bules Carmino (Tragaluz editores, 2021).
Dos pajaritos, Dipacho (Lumen, 2010).
Historias de Eusebio, Ivar Dar Coll (Babel Libros, 2021).
Jacinto y María José, Dipacho (Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2017).
Una cama para tres, written by Yolanda Reyes, illustrated by Ivar Da Coll (Ediciones Santillana).
Books by the Embassy of Cuba:
El país de los miedos, Jorge Luis Peña Reyes.
Donde el jején puso el huevo, Jorge Luis Peña Reyes.
Cuentos de Olofi, Teresa Cárdenas Angulo.
Caleidoscopio con vistas al futuro, Carlos Duarte.
Una niña estadísticamente feliz, Mildre Hernández Barrios.
Nelson Clemente Simón González.
El arte de ser cubano, Dulce María Sotolongo.
Books by the Embassy of Mexico:
Yipo, Juan Gedovius (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica). 3 units.
¡Fuiste tú!, written by Vivian Mansour, and illustrated by Trino (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica).
Familias familiares, written by Vivian Mansour, and illustrated by Juan Gedovius (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica) – 3 unidades.
Cuentos populares mexicanos, Fabio Morábito (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica).
Buscalacranes, written by Francisco Hinojosa, illustrated by Rafael Barajas, El Fisgón (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica).
¿Para qué sirve un niño?, written by Colas Gutman, illustrated by Delphine Perret (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica).
Gato tiene sueño, Satoshi Kitamura (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica).
El regreso del gato asesino, written by Anne Fine, illustrated by Agustín Comotto (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica). 2 units.
Regalo sorpresa, Isol (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica).
La suerte de Ozu, Claudia Rueda (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica).
El trapito feliz, Tony Ross (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica).
Cielo de agua, Aramís Quintero, illustrated by Betania Zacarias (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica). 2 unidades.
Así es mi mamá, Gabriela Burin (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica). 2 unidades.
Lunática, Martha Riva Palacio, Mercè López (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica).
Camino a casa, Jairo Buitrago, Rafael Yockteng (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica).
Para mover el mundo, Pablo Bernasconi (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica). 2 units.
Cambios, Anthony Browne (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica).
La pequeña Frida, Anthony Browne (Editorial Fondo de Cultura Económica).
Books by the Embassy of Uruguay:
Gato blanco, gato negro, Susana Olaondo.
El caracol y la aplanadora, Roy Berocay.
Óscar y sus amigos, Ricardo Alcántara.
Curiosidades del Uruguay, Carlos Pacheco.
Los Carpinchos, Alfredo Soderguit (Ekaré, 2020). 1 in English, 2 in Spanish, 1 in German.
La Cerca, Alfredo Soderguit (Ekaré, 2023).
Books by the Embassy of Portugal:
Um drama de coelhos e galinhas, written by Ana Isabel Marques, illustrated by Ana Bossa (Edições Afrontamento).
Gaspar, o dedo diferente, written by Ana Luísa Amaral, illustrated by Chico Bolila (Zero a oito).
Que barulheira, written by Ana Maria Magalhães and Isabel Alçada, illustrated by Marta Madureira (APCC).
Gata procura-se, written by Ana Saldanha, illustrated by Yara Kono (Caminho).
A menina com os olhos ocupados, André Carrilho (Bertrand Editora).
A ovelha Estrelinha er o gato Chiribi, written by António Mota, illustrated by Cátia Vidinhas (ASA).
Pirilampos e estrelas, written by António Torrado, illustrated by Yara Kono (APCC).
O rei Belarmino não é tenor, written by Carlos Nuno Granja, illustrated by Sebastião Peixoto (Opera Omnia).
Toi toi toi, Catarina Sobral (Orfeu Negro).
O Cuquedo e os pequenos aprendizes do medo, written by Clara Cunha, illustrated by Paulo Galindo (Livros Horizonte).
O que é que o crocodilo come ao meio-dia?, written by Clara Haddad, illustrated by Sónia Borges (Fábrica das Histórias).
O alfabeto nojento, written by David Machado, illustrated by David Pintor (Caminho).
Coração-balão, written by Edna Ladeira, illustrated by Helder Teixiera Peleja (Lá vem ela com histórias!).
Que planeta é este?, Eduarda Lima (Orfeu negro).
Troca-tintas, Gonçalo Viana (Orfeu negro).
Animarginário, Inês da Fonseca (Jacarandá).
Uma onda pequenina, written by Isabel Minhós Martins, illustrated by Yara Kono (Planeta Tangerina).
Livro do outono, written by Isabel Peixeiro, illustrated by Vitor Hugo Matos (Upa editora).
Dia bom ou dia mau, written by Isabel Zambujal, illustrated by Inês Fonseca (Oficina do Livro).
Corações aos milhões, written by Joana Lopes, illustrated by Catarina Correia Marques (Livros Horizonte).
Urso sonâmbulo, written by Joana Rocha, illustrated by José Carlos Pinto (OQO editora).
Para que serve?, written by José Maria Vieira Mendes, illustrated by Madalena Matoso (Planeta Tangerina).
Poesia na cozinha, written by José Santos, illustrated by Gustavo Rinaldi (Rota Imaginária).
Zé dos Bichos, written by Luísa Ducla Soares, illustrated by Danuta Wojciechowska (Livros Horizonte).
Joaão Timoneiro, Madalena Moniz (Orfeu negro).
Hoje sinto-me, Madalena Moniz (Orfeu negro).
Um menino bateu-me à porta, written by Manuela Castro Neves, illustrated by Ana Granado (Zero a oito).
O pequeno livro da empatia, written by Maria Inês Almeida, illustrated by Cátia Vidinhas (Livros Horizonte).
Sem abrigo, written by Maria Inês Almeida; José Almeida de Oliveira, illustrated by Cátia Vidinhas (Nuvem de letras).
Tão pequenina, tão grande, written by Maria João Lopes, illustrated by Maria Remédio (Máquina de voar).
Conta comigo, written by Marta Coelho, illustrated by aRita (Máquina de voar).
O rio infinito, written by Mia Couto, illustrated by Danuta Wojciechowska (Caminho).
Maria Mete Medo, Natalina Cóias (Livros Horizonte).
Salvando Dino, written by Nilton Pereira Pinto, illustrated by Benedito Nunes (Edufmt).
Fim? Isto não acaba assim, Noemi Viola (Planeta Tangerina).
Senhor feroz, written by Ondjaki, illustrated by Alex Gozblau (Caminho).
A fuga da ervilha, written by Pedro Soromenho, illustrated by Patrícia Figueiredo (Paleta de letras).
Há vozes no charco, written by Raul Malaquias Marques, illustrated by Pierre Pratt (Apcc).
A maratona dos bichos, written by Regina Boratto, illustrated by Vanda Romão (Caminho).
1º dto, written by Ricardo Henriques, illustrated by Nicolau (Pato Lógico).
A cegonha sem vergonha, written by Richard Zimler, illustrated by Patrícia Figueiredo (Porto editora).
A menina que queria escrever histórias, written by Rosário Alçada Araújo, illustrated by Teresa Cortez (Apcc).
O Guga na cidade do Porto, written Susana Fonseca, illustrated Maria Manuela Morais (Objecto anónimo).
O paraíso dão os outros, written by Valter Hugo Mãe, illustrated by Esgar Acelerado (Porto Editora).
Contar histórias com a avó ao colo, written by VVAA (different authors), illustrated by Tânia Clímaco (Escola Portuguesa de Moçambique).
Remember that if you are part of an association or publishing house, or have books in good condition in Spanish and Portuguese, you can contribute as well!
You can give new books to Ninho’s Program for Enriching the Collection of Spanish & Portuguese Children’s Literature in Finland’s Public Libraries and help more children enjoy many stories in their heritage language. Also, if you have second-hand books in good condition, you can give them to the Spanish and Portuguese Children’s Book Fair that we celebrate every year, coinciding with Kolibrí Festivaali.
Write to us at info@ninho.fi and help Ninho continue its work!